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Thursday, August 30, 2012

Charity concert at the open theater of Paralio Astros


A concert was held last night at the open theater of Paralio Astros featuring traditional Greek music.  The concert was a fund raising drive (by the Association of Friends of Astros Health Center Σύλλογος Φίλων Κέντρου Υγείας Άστρους) for adding new ambulance vehicles to the (Mesogeio) Astros Healh Center.  By the way, the (Mesogeio) Astros Health Center provides the basic health care needs of the North Kynouria region. Since Paralio Astros has no health care center, if there is an accident while vacationing in Paralio Astros, the Astros Health Ceter will assess the complexity of the problem, and assist patients on whatever it can do within its limited resources (manpower and medical equipment), but more difficult operations are handled in Argos or Tripoli hospitals, which are at least 30 to 45 minutes away, not only more ambulance vehicles are needed, if we have more generous donors, a helicopter will be nice for the region...

I went to the concert just to support the cause, and was not preparing to take any photos, but upon arrival at the theater, a friend informed me that the Association of Culture & Friends of Paralio Astros would like me to provide a few pictures from the concert for its records, so I took some photos and videos with no brighter flash, no tri-pot, and simply by capturing the moment when the concert's light was at its maximum brightness, but with the concert's flashing light (and changing color too), this is by far the most challenging task for an amateur like me.

I like the instruments they played and the songs they sang alothough I couldn't join the rest of the crowd to sing as none of the songs are familiar to me but I really enjoyed the concert.  It's the best concert (and the most crowded I observed) at the open theater of Paralio Astros this summer.    

You can also view my short videos from the charity concert featuring traditional musical instruments (1st video below). Yerasimos Andreatos Γεράσιμος Ανδρεάτος (2nd video) , and little kids danced to the music (3rd video).

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